nedjelja, 12. rujna 2010.

Moj najdraži političko filozofski tekst!

Dio iz Deklaracije nezavisnosti SAD-a
Mi smatrano ove istine očiglednim: da su svi ljudi stvoreni jednaki, da su obdareni od strane svojeg Tvorca određenim neotuđivim pravima, među kojima su život, sloboda i težnja za srećom.
U cilju osiguranja ovih prava, vlade ustanovljene među ljudima, izvode svoje zakonite moći iz suglasnosti onih nad kojima se vlada.
Ako ikada ijedan oblik vlade postane prepreka ostvarivanju ovih ciljeva, pravo je naroda da ga promjeni ili ukine, da ustanovi novu vladu, koja će ležati na temeljima takvih načela, i organizirati svoje moći tako da najbolje utječe na narodnu sigurnost i sreću.
Razboritost će, zaista, zahtjevati da davno ustanovljene vlade ne bi trebalo mijenjati zbog nebitnih i prolaznih razloga; tako je i čitavo iskustvo pokazalo da su ljudi više raspoloženi da trpe kada su zla podnošljiva, nego da uklone nepravdu ukidanjem oblika (vlasti) na koje su navikli. Ali kada se dugi niz zloupotreba i uzurpacija, narušavajući stalno isti objekt, ispoljava kao namjera dovođenja ljudi pod apsolutni despotizam, pravo je ovih ljudi, njihova je dužnost, da zbace takvu vladu, i uspostave nove čuvare svoje buduće sigurnosti.

Zašto se donosi Ustav i zašto se stvara država? Primjer dobrog objašnjenja i zdravog temelja - Preambula Ustava SAD-a
Mi, narod Sjedinjenih Država, da bismo stvorili savršeniji savez, utemeljili pravdu, osigurali mir u zemlji, pobrinuli se za zajedničku obranu, unaprijedili opće blagostanje i osigurali blagodat slobode nama i našem potomstvu, određujemo i donosimo ovaj Ustav za Sjedinjene Američke Države.

Broj komentara: 5:

  1. I can agree with you Aleksandar. The challenge of the people is not only to get out of the paternalism and the abuses of the governement. It is important the Human Rights are guarded by the people! So the challenge is to get the people involved and responsable for that what happens in the society. Therefor we need at least the courrage and the skills to reveal on a constructive way what can be changed for more Human Rights. The reward will be that we all can enjoy a more respectful society in which people are treated equal. (I abhor any 'show of force to dominate others' - from the environment of governement to family...)

    I just have one question (maybe due to my poor knowledge of the Croatian language): what of the American 'culture' makes you admiring the 'Sjedinjene Američke Države'? It would be nice to find your thoughts... Thanks!

  2. Dear Hilde!
    I do not admire American culture of 20 and 21st century.
    I admire this work of Founding Fathers and ecpecially Benjamin Franklin.
    I find those text above higly "philosofical" -eg."more perfect union", "pursuit of happynes".
    I think we can say that in those words we can find great concepts of constantly selfperfecting universe!
    In 20st century i find the echo of work of Ben Franklin i Franklin Delano Roosvelt.

  3. Aha! Now I understand, Aleksandar!
    I want to tell you I do not know enough about the laws of the United States of America before World War II, but as you write it above, in their 'design' we can probably find some concepts that still can work today.
    Because I am more oriented toward 'human behavior today' than toward 'history', I think I first have to study this matter before I can write some useful comment... ;°) But go on writing, Aleksandar, it is a pleasure to read you and I enjoy learning! So thanks for your article!

  4. Today or yesterday, the Question is now...

    I have some words form Schiller for you. This is one passage from his Antritssrede 1789.

    Was heisst und zu welchem Ende
    studiert man Universalgeschichte?

    Selbst daß wir uns in diesem Augenblick hier zusammenfanden, uns mit diesem Grade von Nationalkultur, mit dieser Sprache, diesen Sitten, diesen bürgerlichen Vorteilen, diesem Maß von Gewissensfreiheit zusammenfanden, ist das Resultat vielleicht aller vorhergegangenen Weltbegebenheiten: die ganze Weltgeschichte würde wenigstens nötig sein, dieses einzige Moment zu erklären. Daß wir uns als Christen zusammenfanden, mußte diese Religion, durch unzählige Revolutionen vorbereitet, aus dem Judentum hervorgehen, mußte sie den römischen Staat genau so finden, als sie ihn fand, um sich mit schnellem siegendem Lauf über die Welt zu verbreiten und den Thron der Cäsarn endlich selbst zu besteigen. Unsre rauhen Vorfahren in den thüringischen Wäldern mußten der Übermacht der Franken unterliegen, um ihren Glauben anzunehmen.
    For me this is the best description about importance of History and the relation between past, now and future.

  5. Thank you Aleksandar, for the words of Friedrich Schiller, the poet and philosopher. I have been reading the whole inaugural speech (which it is not a simpel text...!) But I could understand that Schiller is a man of peace ('Alle Menschen werden Brüder' is his!). And already in his time of the French Revolution, he goes beyond the national borders. Something which is also an item in the Europe of today. We still must exercise very hard to be the real 'United States of Europe'. And last week a former prime Minister of my country (Bel) told the European Parliament the 'nationalism of each country' is a danger for a strong Europe... So we still need to refine a lot in our behavior before we get the trust that European Union needs! And I am sure it is worth it! Because on many areas the European Union is a great initiative to have a voice in the world of today!
